Let’s find out! All you have to do is search for the desired name in our search box and our tool will provide information on whether you can register or how much does it cost. If the domain name you want isn’t available, the tool will also show you if you can use variations of the name you chose, such as mywebsite.org or mywebsite.net.
You can use letters, numbers and hyphens when choosing a domain name, but that’s about it. You can try using your exact business name or include SEO-friendly words, but most importantly, keep it short and simple, ideally less than 3 words, so your clients will remember it.
Just like your office needs a street address so that your customers know where to find you, your website needs a domain name. Registering your domain name is one of the first steps to establishing your online brand. If you don’t, your clients would have to visit your website at an unprofessionally looking temporary url instead of mywebsite.com.